Antistatic foam

Antistatic foam

This specially designed foam is commonly used for sensitive components, like electric equipment. Antistatic foam protects products from any elements of static discharge and provides an electrical path for the charge to dissipate from the packaging, acting as a shield.


Fizikai tulajdonságok Foam properties  AT2230 Alkalmazott szabvány Test method
Sűrűség [kg/m3] Density [kg/m3]  20-23 ISO 845: 1988
Keménység,  CLD, 40 % [kPa] Hardness 40 % [kPa]  2,8-3,8 ISO 3386/1: 1986
ILD 25 % [N] 90-130 ISO2439:1997
ILD 40 % [N] 115-165 ISO2439:1997
ILD 65 % [N] 235-300 ISO2439:1997
Szakítószilárdság, minimum [kPa] Tensile strength, minimum [kPa]  80 ISO 1789: 1997
Szakadási nyúlás, minimum [%] Elongation at break, minimum [%]  150 ISO 1789: 1997
Rugalmasság minimum (%) Ball rebound min. (%)  40 Vita Teszt
Maradandó összenyomódás  75% maximum [%] Compression set 75% maximum [%]  7 ISO 1856: 2000
Felületi rezisztivitás Electric surface resistivity ≤ 1010
Standard szín Standard colour  FEHÉR WHITE